Category Archives: Retrofit

We’re Now a Retrofit West Trusted Professional!

We have great news! Energy Saving Experts is now listed as a Retrofit West Trusted Professional. You can find us on Retrofit West’s directory of trusted retrofit services, which includes installers, architects, and other professionals dedicated to excellence. Retrofit West … Continue reading

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Heat Pump heat loss calculations

I’ll soon be qualified in the ABBE level 3 Certificate in Surveying & Calculation of Building Heat Loss. This means I can calculate heat losses for heat pumps in both new and existing buildings so that an apropriately sized heat … Continue reading

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Part L, Part L1A, Retrofit, SAP | Leave a comment

Better Buildings Consultant

Elmhurst, my accreditation scheme, recently launched their Better Buildings Consultant Scheme This is open to those of us members who are qualified in different compentencies and to join we have to complete an exam. This Ive done and can now … Continue reading

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Part L, Retrofit, SAP | Leave a comment

Retrofit News

Retrofit Ive just added a further qualifiction to my Retrofit skills – ABBE level 3 Assessing Energy Efficiecny in Traditional Buildings. This qualification is required if undertaking a Retrofit Survey on buildings aged before 1919, usually because of their traditional … Continue reading

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Solar panel calculator

This may be useful for some of you. Energy Saving Trust have got a solar PV calculator, Ive tested it and compared it to my own system and its accurate enough to give you a good idea of what’s possible. … Continue reading

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Part L1A, Retrofit, SAP | 1 Comment