Ive just added a further qualifiction to my Retrofit skills – ABBE level 3 Assessing Energy Efficiecny in Traditional Buildings.
This qualification is required if undertaking a Retrofit Survey on buildings aged before 1919, usually because of their traditional build methods, or elements that may be of historical signififance, and also if they are Listed.
These types of buildings obviously cannot be treated in the same way as a more modern building and so the qualification covers considerations required before undertaking a retrofit and ensuring that all features are captured within the condition report.
For those of us working around the Bath and Bristol area there are a huge number of these types of properties.
Talking of Retrofit – We’ve joined both Retrofit South West, which covers the Bristol area. This means we are an approved Retrofit Assessment provider and can work actively with them helping home owners on their journey in improving in the energy efficiency of their homes.
Our retrofit fees have also been revised, downwards! It means that if a homeowner does get the £250 voucher from the above there is less to pay us for this important first step in retrofit.
Bath & West Community Energy
Ive recently been accepted as an Associate with Bath & West Community Energy. This means I will be helping them expand their offer of Retrofit Surveys and similar in the BANES Area.
VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme
Ive also recently joined the VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme which will help voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSEs) across England to save money on their energy bills by offering independent energy assessments to help identify energy-saving opportunities in community buildings.
If you work with such an organisation, let then know and I may be able to help.